01/06/2024 - 17:44
Thanks to a post on social networks, I contacted Ian Fountain and some locals in Brittany, France, during a major winter storm.

Brittany is the largest French peninsula in northwest France, and one of the most difficult coasts to mark, due to its massive tides, resulting in short surf windows...
Combine that with nearly 2000 miles of coastline, and it's a tough shoe to polish...
So why come here?
By now, I hope you've got an idea of my taste in waves and surf trips...
And I really like to get off the beaten track, especially when it comes to surf trips.
I'd always been to south-west France...
So with some interesting maps lighting up the north
I was thinking...
What would it take to score waves in Brittany??

Filmed by :
Paul Daniels
Gaéton Duque

Editing, Music, GFX by your real