Harrison Roach in “Proper by Any Measure”

07/26/2024 - 12:11
Roach’s surfing is mannered, refined, and unflappable.

While grounded in the helmsmanship of heavy tankers, his approach also deftly ports over to all type of craft, pits, and walls. 

“Long before he won a world title in 2022,” Michael Adno writes in TSJ 33.3, “Harrison Roach was known as a surfer’s surfer, admired for balancing a career that was made from equal parts curiosity, creativity, and complexity. Some knew him for winning three Duct Tape Invitationals and for surfing for brands like Rhythm, Deus, and Roark, some from appearing in films by Thomas Campbell and Andrew Kidman, always surfing longboards well, properly surfing single-fins at Pipe and alaias in heavy surf.”

Hit the link to read “Proper by Any Measure: From Noosa Shire to the Bitter South with Harrison Roach” in full. 

Filmed by Hunter Vercoe.