Surf Film 2 (Full Movie)

01/14/2024 - 22:44
A full-length surf video by Inherent Bummer featuring more than 50 of your favorite surfers.

Starring: Kelly Slater, Mason Ho, Italo Ferreira, Felipe Toledo, Tosh Tudor, Crosby Colapinto, Steph Gilmore, Carissa Moore, Conner Coffin, Bettylou Sakura-Johnson, Ian Crane, Ethan Ewing, Creed McTaggart, Noah Beschen, Caity Simmers, Caroline Marks, Oscar Langburne, Moana Jones-Wong, King Nicol, Ivan Florence, John Florence, Joel Vaughn, Clay Marzo, Balaram Stack, Kolohe Andino, Connor O'Leary and many more.

Music by: Death Grips, Ovlov, Texas is the Reason, Adult Books, Beak>, Pretty Sick, The Specials, Sunset Rollercoaster and Teeth of England.

Produced by: Brandon Guilmette and Travis Ferré

Edited by: Blake Myers

Art Direction by: Scott Chenoweth