These Violent Delights

04/20/2020 - 22:52
These Violent Delights Featuring Craig Anderson, Micky Clarke, Oscar Langburne, Dylan Graves,
and Jake Kelley is a film set in the here and now, 7 days, a boat trip with friends – the kind you fantasize about
during the 9-5 and scrape together your pennies for every few years if you’re lucky.

There’s a little bit of searching involved, but mostly it’s a packaged dream every average joe can take a swing at if the waves permit.

All you need is good boards, good company and barrels so crisp they’re a cliché.


Shot and edited by Dave Fox and Blake Myers with contributions from Dion Agius, These Violent Delights documents an unforgettable cast of characters that together form a critical thread of Haydenshapes’ 23 year old brand.

Young people making cool things for fun.