20/01/2025 - 20:37
Directed and edited by Caity Simmers and Guilherme Martins
Stars: Caity Simmers, Ryan Risko, and Timo Simmers
Art: Luke Griffin and Hanja Pua
Thank you Jacob Vanderwork, Chad Christensen, Dan Scott, Guilherme Martins, Jimmy Wilson, and Leo Noble for the wonderful clips.
'83 Wildin' by Edan
Polite Meeting by Edan
Don't Stop by Qendresa
Blue Vein by Lael Neale
Always Gonna Be The Same by Mary Jane Dunphe
One Way Or Another by Locust
The Drum by Slap Happy
Your Touch by Saada Bonaire
Watchlar by Cocteau Twins
Alone by The Cry