13/01/2021 - 21:21

I drop off my girlfriend at the Bilbao airport and without any expectations, I go to Mundaka to surf.

The conditions weren't very good that day, but without thinking twice I mount the camera and shoot a few takes.
Days later, I start to review them at home and find one in which a guy with a lot of flow surfs.

I decide to upload it to instagram and to my surprise I receive a message from the protagonist of the shot "Txaber Trojaola".

This is when we start talking.
Just a month later, I head to the Canary Islands in my car and as soon as I arrive, I find a photo on Instagram of Txaber surfing these magnificent waves.

We talked and sure enough, here I was traveling in the van with his wife Astrid and his dog Baloo.
This is where everything begins; our friendship, our surfing moments and even nights with an extra beer ...
Although the sea and wind conditions did not favor us much, we managed to record a fairly clean bathroom.
So I would not call it coincidence, but destiny, having found ourselves in this paradise.
It has been a real pleasure to have met such a pure person and with such fluid surfing.
We enjoyed everything the islands allowed us, until the coronavirus pandemic arrived without warning.

It is then when our paths separate and each one has to return to their respective homes, Comillas and Bakio.
Several months have passed without seeing each other, so we continue to look forward to that reunion on a northern beach with good waves.
Thanks for all my friend, see you soon ...