16/01/2021 - 12:30
I’m really exited to present to you my first video, directed by Aljaz Babnik and produced by Mosy Production since I moved to France!

It has been an amazing journey getting to know everyone and it was a blast to film with the crew!

Many amazing memories and laughs that I will always remember! 

I was born in Barranquilla, Colombia where I learned how to surf in 2014.

I was absolutely hooked from the beginning so I knew that I soon as I finished school I would move to a place with better waves where I could continue my studies and my surfing all at the same time! 

I fell in love with France.

It’s amazing waves and breathtaking views now lie deeply in my heart.

From the moment I started shooting and filming I suddenly knew that that is what I wanted to do.

I want to travel around the world, do what I love and be able to share that with the world. 

I want to thank everyone who made this possible.

Mosy Production  and my favorite legend Aljaz babnik. 

Also huge thanks to all of my sponsors, Ripcurl, Chienville Surfboards, Modom Surf & Mosy Photo for all of encouragement and the support throughout all of these years! 

I hope you enjoy!