DAILY GAMBLING - Laura Coviella Surfing is often like a casino; you go in frenetic to make your all-in or nothing bet—GLORY or BUST!
ONE DAY IN KANDUI - Laura Coviella Video vlog de un día cualquiera en Kandui Resort, en las islas Mentawai!
"HT" Hopefully Tomorrow Sometimes things don't always work out like we plan, but everything is part of a process, this is a marathon.
La Isla Laura’s life now is spent between home and travelling the world on the endless, challenging yet always beautiful pursuit of surfing.
Morocco's Opening Day of the Surf Season Finally, Morocco gets under way this winter. Featuring Laura Coviella, Miguel Blanco, Yoni Klein and Samir Elghazal
Laura Coviella - Welcome to Deflow Family We are pleased to introduce Laura Coviella to the Deflow family.